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What gift to put in the trays?

For engagements and wedding Tea Ceremonies, it is customary for the Groom's family to prepare trays of gifts for the altar or as a gift offered to the Bride’s family. Traditionally there should be an even number of trays, the larger the number of trays, the more significant amount of wealth is displayed. Below is a list of gift ideas that you can include:

  • Suckling roast pig (separate from the 6 round trays)
  • 1 Square Wine Tray (Wine jug, cups and jewellery boxes)


1 tray of Tea and Wine (set of 2)

2 trays of Fruits (ngũ quả) - 5 different types of fruit or vibrant coloured fruit.

1 tray of Husband and Wife Cakes (Bánh Phu Thê)

1 tray of Wedding Sticky Rice

1 tray Betel nuts and leaves (artificial/jelly)

  • My Love Forever Grows offers 6 tray gift package starting from $650. Call us to inquire.

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